Videos » Hey, Milky Way

 23 Jun 2023

A group of photographers summited Heybrook Lookout seeking dark skies. After dealing with cold winds, thunderstorms, and an encounter with a black bear, they almost lost hope. Then the skies cleared, and the Milky Way unfurled.

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  Hey, Milky Way

  • 0:12 intro
  • 0:41 “the hike”
  • 0:53 black bear!
  • 1:15 the thunder
  • 1:36 top of the tower
  • 1:56 the storm and the moon
  • 2:10 mission aborted
  • 2:32 clearing skies
  • 2:55 panorama
  • 3:15 stars
  • 3:34 milky way
  • 4:13 antares
  • 4:28 “the right thing to do”