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Video: Photographing the Moon
I wanted to share the full end-to-end experience of creating a moon photograph. I used my SVBony SV503 70ED refractor with a 2x Barlow lens and my Sony Mirrorless 6300 to take a daytime moon photograph. See how I assembled the equipment, acquired the footage, and processed the result.
Review: Svbony SV503 70ED refractor is inexpensive but not cheap
A complete review of the Svbony SV503 70ED refractor telescope, from how I picked it, how it's price, how it's put together to the final goods: pictures I've taken with it.
To the Moon! Processing lunar images
I walk you through step-by-step several approaches to imaging the moon. Most of them are free!
2021 in Retrospective and Favorite Photos
A look back at the first year of my astrophotography with my favorite photos from 2021.