Videos » How to Process a Comet in PixInsight

 02 Feb 2023

Do you have the same issue that I did? Despite doing things like splitting out stars to align separately, you always end up with star streaks. I finally figured out the simple, single step to do between star alignment and comet alignment that makes all the difference and produces streak-free comets for me every time (without having to split the lights). This video walks through the full end-to-end of processing comets in PixInsight.

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  How to Process a Comet in PixInsight

Prefer article format? Read How do I stack a comet in PixInsight?.

Chapter Guide:

  • 00:00:19 Review raw images
  • 00:00:48 Step 1: Weighed Batch Preprocessing (WBPP)
  • 00:01:50 Calibration settings
  • 00:02:06 Exposure tolerance
  • 00:02:29 Step 2: Comet alignment (wrong way)
  • 00:03:39 Mark core of comet in first frame
  • 00:04:01 Mark core of comet in last frame
  • 00:04:36 Examine comet-aligned frame
  • 00:04:54 Image integration
  • 00:05:16 Streaks!
  • 00:05:20 Step 2: Comet alignment (right way)
  • 00:05:33 StarXTerminator (or StarNet++) to extract stars from integrated star-aligned image
  • 00:06:06 Save stars to a file
  • 00:06:24 Comet alignment…
  • 00:06:31 Set the stars file as the “operand” (star-aligned) to subtract from each frame
  • 00:06:52 Step 3: Post-processing
  • 00:07:05 Examine comet-aligned frame
  • 00:07:20 Image integration
  • 00:08:16 PixelMath: combine the stars from the star-aligned integration with the comet from the comet-aligned integration
  • 00:08:32 Crop out noise at edges (DC)
  • 00:08:54 Automatic Background Extraction (ABE)
  • 00:09:14 Dynamic Background Extraction (DBE)
  • 00:09:51 BlurXTerminator
  • 00:10:06 EZ Soft Stretch
  • 00:10:38 StarXTerminator to process comet separate from stars
  • 00:10:54 SCNR to remove green stars
  • 00:11:11 Curves, masks, etc. to sharpen comet
  • 00:12:02 PixelMath to recombine the stars
  • 00:12:39 Final result

  • Comet alignment
  • StarXTerminator
  • BlurXTerminator

See also: How to track a comet using N.I.N.A. software