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A Tour of the Sun

A Tour of the Sun

On January 15, 2024, I used a Coronado PST 40mm single-stacked solar telescope in conjunction with a ZWO ASI294MM Pro monochrome camera and a ZWO ASI290MM Mini camera to observe the sun. The surface was very active and massive superheated columns of plasma were spewing from its surface. I recorded these videos and images to share.

2024-02-17 learn more
Solar flare

Solar flare

I happened to be recording the surface of the sun when one of the sunspots exploded. The video compresses 60 minutes into 15 seconds.

2024-06-15 learn more
Symmetry: The Harvest Supermoon and the Sun

Symmetry: The Harvest Supermoon and the Sun

A video of the last supermoon of 2023 appearing in a cloud sky following by the morning sun from the following day.

2023-10-03 learn more
The solar experience

The solar experience

Explore the surface of the sun. View prominences, filaments, sunspots and solar flares in the chromosphere with the aid of a hydrogen alpha filtered solar telescope.

2024-03-27 learn more
Total Solar Eclipse 2024

Total Solar Eclipse 2024

I planned over a year for this total solar eclipse. I dragged gear across the country and watched the forecast predict thunderstorms as the day drew near. The experience itself was unforgettable. Here is my story about, and my photographs of, the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. Taken on location in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

2024-04-08 learn more
What I saw when I looked at the sun

What I saw when I looked at the sun

First, please don't ever even glance sideways at the sun without proper eye protection. If you happen to be looking through a filter hydrogen alpha solar telescope, this is like what you'd see.

2024-02-23 learn more