Tags are attributes assigned to images, articles, and videos to identify objects (such as stars and galaxies), events (like the 2024 solar eclipse), and locations. Typically, tags are accessed by navigating to a resource such as a gallery item. This page is a comprehensive list of all of the tags in our database.

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Tags that start with: 9

9 oph9 ori90 psc94 tau98 psc
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Tags that start with: J

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Tags that start with: T

TagTejat posteriorTejat priorThe coat hangerThe constellation andromeda (and)The constellation aquila (aql)The constellation aries (ari)The constellation auriga (aur)The constellation camelopardalis (cam)The constellation cassiopeia (cas)The constellation cepheus (cep)The constellation corona austrina (cra)The constellation cygnus (cyg)The constellation delphinus (del)The constellation equuleus (equ)The constellation lacerta (lac)The constellation lyra (lyr)The constellation ophiuchus (oph)The constellation sagitta (sge)The constellation scutum (sct)The constellation taurus (tau)The constellation telescopium (tel)The constellation triangulum (tri)The constellation vulpecula (vul)The cosmic roseThe moonThe running man nebulaThe star 1 casThe star 1 gemThe star 1 sgrThe star 10 perThe star 12 gemThe star 12 monThe star 12 sgrThe star 12monThe star 13 cetThe star 14 sgrThe star 14vulThe star 15 monThe star 15 sgrThe star 15monThe star 16 aurThe star 17 sgrThe star 18 tauThe star 18tauThe star 19 psaThe star 20 booThe star 20 cetThe star 23 vulThe star 24 ophThe star 25 scoThe star 30 cygThe star 31 cepThe star 31oriThe star 32 andThe star 32 tauThe star 32andThe star 32oriThe star 34 booThe star 36 cygThe star 36 tauThe star 37 tauThe star 39 cygThe star 4 casThe star 4 cepThe star 4 sgrThe star 41 cygThe star 42oriThe star 45 oriThe star 45oriThe star 47cygThe star 4vulThe star 5 sgrThe star 52 cygThe star 52cygThe star 56 cygThe star 56cygThe star 57 cygThe star 57cygThe star 5serThe star 5vulThe star 6 cepThe star 60 cygThe star 63cygThe star 7 cepThe star 7 sgrThe star 72 pscThe star 73leoThe star 7sgrThe star 8 gemThe star 9 booThe star 9 gemThe star 9 sgrThe star 95 tauThe star 9sgrThe star achird (η cas)The star acrabThe star ainThe star al aghnam ii (π cep)The star al butain iii (ε ari)The star al butain iv (ζ ari)The star al kumm ii (ο2 ori)The star albaldahThe star albireo (β1 cyg)The star albireo (β1cyg)The star alcyone (η tau)The star aldebaranThe star aldebaran (αtau)The star alderamin (α cep)The star alfirk (β cep)The star alfirk (βcep)The star algolThe star alhenaThe star alhiba ii (λ aur)The star aljanahThe star alkalbain iii (κ1 tau)The star alkalbain v (υ tau)The star almachThe star almach (γ1and)The star alnaslThe star alnilam (ε ori)The star alnilam (εori)The star alnitak (ζ ori)The star alnitak (ζ-ori)The star alnitak (ζori)The star alniyatThe star alniyat iiThe star alpheratzThe star altair (α aql)The star antaresThe star antares (αsco)The star arcturus (α boo)The star arcturus (αboo)The star ascella (ζ sgr)The star ascella (ζsgr)The star asteropeThe star atikThe star atik (ζ per)The star atlas (27 tau)The star atlas (27tau)The star b2 cygThe star b3 cygThe star bellatrix (γ ori)The star bellatrix (γori)The star betelgeuseThe star betelgeuse (αori)The star botein (δ ari)The star c2 scoThe star capellaThe star capella (α aur)The star caph (β cas)The star caph (βcas)The star cebalraiThe star cebalrai (β oph)The star celaeno (16 tau)The star celaeno (16tau)The star chamukuyThe star cursaThe star d booThe star d scoThe star denebThe star deneb (αcyg)The star deneb algedi (δ cap)The star e booThe star e pscThe star electra (17 tau)The star electra (17tau)The star elnathThe star enifThe star errai (γcep)The star f pscThe star f tauThe star fawarisThe star fawaris iii (ζ cyg)The star fulu (ζ cas)The star fuyue (g sco)The star g pscThe star garafsa (θ oph)The star gienah (εcyg)The star haedusThe star hamal (α ari)The star hamalwaridThe star hassalehThe star hatysa (ι ori)The star hyadum iii (θ1 tau)The star i scoThe star izarThe star kaus australis (ε sgr)The star kaus australis (εsgr)The star kaus borealisThe star kaus borealis (λsgr)The star kaus mediaThe star kuton i (δ psc)The star larawag (ε sco)The star mahasim (θ aur)The star marfakThe star media (δsgr)The star meissaThe star menkalinan (β aur)The star menkib (ξ per)The star merope (23 tau)The star merope (23tau)The star mintaka (δ ori)The star mintaka (δori)The star mirach (β and)The star mirach (βand)The star mirfak (αper)The star misam al thurayya i (χ per)The star mizan batil i (c ori)The star mizan batil ii (θ2 ori)The star mula (κ sco)The star muphrid (η boo)The star n leoThe star namalsadirah i (φ sgr)The star navi (γ cas)The star navi (γcas)The star nembus (51 and)The star nucatai (ν gem)The star nunkiThe star nunki (σsgr)The star okabThe star pleione (28 tau)The star pleione (28tau)The star polarisThe star polaris (αumi)The star polisThe star prima hyadumThe star propusThe star rasalhague (α oph)The star rasalhague (αoph)The star revatiThe star revenant of the swanThe star rigelThe star rigel (βori)The star ruchbaThe star ruchbahThe star ruchbah (δcas)The star sabik (η oph)The star sabik (ηoph)The star sadr (γ cyg)The star sadr (γcyg)The star saif al jabbar (η ori)The star saik (ζ oph)The star saiph (κ ori)The star saiph (κori)The star sargasThe star scheatThe star schedar (αcas)The star secunda hyadumThe star segin (ε cas)The star shaula (λ sco)The star shedarThe star sheratan (β ari)The star sirius (αcma)The star sterope i (21tau)The star sterope ii (22 tau)The star tarazedThe star taygeta (19tau)The star taygeta (q tau)The star tejatThe star the garnet starThe star tianguan (ζ tau)The star torcularThe star trapezium (θ1 ori a)The star unukalhaiThe star vegaThe star β2cygThe star γ sctThe star γperThe star δ andThe star δ aurThe star δ cepThe star δ3 tauThe star δaqlThe star ε andThe star ε cepThe star ε pscThe star ε1lyrThe star ε2lyrThe star εcasThe star ζcasThe star ζcepThe star ζophThe star η cygThe star ηcasThe star ηoriThe star ηserThe star ηtauThe star θ andThe star θ1 ori cThe star θ1 ori dThe star θ1oriThe star θ2oriThe star θaqlThe star θcasThe star ι cepThe star ιoriThe star κ casThe star κcasThe star λ tauThe star λaqlThe star λcasThe star λcygThe star μ andThe star μ oriThe star μ pscThe star ν andThe star ν aurThe star νandThe star νcygThe star νophThe star ξ cygThe star ξcygThe star ξserThe star ο casThe star ο cepThe star ο scoThe star ο1 cygThe star ο2 cygThe star οperThe star π andThe star π aurThe star π1 booThe star πsgrThe star ρ andThe star ρ casThe star ρ ophThe star ρcasThe star ρcygThe star σ andThe star σ oriThe star σoriThe star τ aurThe star τ booThe star τ casThe star τ oriThe star τ pscThe star τ tauThe star τoriThe star τsgrThe star υ pscThe star υ2casThe star υoriThe star φ perThe star φ pscThe star φ2 oriThe star ω ophThe star ω1 tauThe witch head nebulaTheophilusTorcularis septentrionalis (ο psc)Total solar eclipse 2024Total solar eclipse 20242TramontanaTriangulumTriangulum galaxyTriangulum pinwheelTrifid nebulaTulip nebula
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Tags that start with: Y

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Tags that start with: Γ

Γ2 andΓ2 sgr
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Tags that start with: Δ

Δ peg
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Tags that start with: Π

Π2 boo
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Tags that start with: Υ

Υ per
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