A visit with Orion
A visual tour of Orion and nearby deep sky objects Aldebaran, Mars, and the Pleiades. From 12mm wide field shots of the night sky to 1645mm ultra close-ups of nebulae, this journey ties some of my favorite images together and shows just how interconnected objects in space can be. Includes shots of M42: the Great Orion Nebula, M43: de Mairan's Nebula, NGC1977 The Running Man Nebula, NGC2024 The Flame Nebula, NGC2023, IC434 The Horsehead Nebula, M45: The Pleiades, Mars, Aldebaran, Betelgeuse and Rigel.
2022-01-12 learn more

My best space pictures taken in 2022
Collage of planets, galaxies, nebulae, and more that I captured in 2022. From Saturn and Andromeda to Thor's Helmet and the Milky Way.
2022-12-20 learn more

One horse, two rocks
Join me on a magical journey from Otter Rock to outer space. Starting at a 20mm focal length, we zoom into the constellation Orion as it sets over Gull Rock. See the jewels on Orion's belt, catch the flame and see just how smoky that horse head is at a 6,000mm (6 meter) focal length. A moving art piece that integrates five images from my collection.
2024-05-06 learn more

Orion Rising
The footage of Orion I used to create the full Orion image from Grand Cayman.
2022-10-28 learn more

The best images I captured in 2023
Hold on to your hats! We're going for a ride. 2023 was a breakout year for my astrophotography as I had my first access to dark sites, refined my Milky Way technique, got closer to the moon and started working with planets, processed my first comet, made my first solar filter to take solar shots, and a lot of new and improved targets with the addition of narrowband filters.
2023-12-14 learn more

Things at Night
A collection of night sky timelapses and images taken from the Oregon coast, mainly focused on the Orion constellation.
2024-02-28 learn more