September 19, 2021 310 words about 1 minute to read

Processing NGC2174: The Monkey Head Nebula

Processing NGC2174: The Monkey Head Nebula

I recently ran a poll asking what my next video should be, and the response was near-unanimous: a full walkthrough. So, here it is. I processed NGC2174 from two sessions and recorded the entire process end-to-end. This is what it looked like:

  • I started with showing how to use Stellinator to organize the files from Stellina’s thumb drive.
  • Next, I used the Blink tool to remove bad images.
  • Finally, I stacked the images with AstroPixel Processor.
  • Next, I applied background extraction and background neutralization, then ran color calibration.
  • Finally, I ran my deconvolution script to generate special masks to improve the quality of stars in the image.

I’m very happy with the final result.

Let me know your thoughts!

Post categories:

Imaging session Learning Processing Stacking 

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