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Review: William Optics Redcat 71 My new favorite lens

Review: William Optics Redcat 71 My new favorite lens

A complete review of the William Optics Redcat 71 astrograph refractor telescope, with comparisons to the Svbony SV503 70ED.

2024-01-05 learn more
The Oregon Coast Astrophotography 2024 Calendar

The Oregon Coast Astrophotography 2024 Calendar

The 2024 calendar shares print-quality photographs taken either of or from the Oregon Coast between Waldport and Otter Rock. It includes important dates such as elongations, oppositions, moon phases, super-moons, meteors, and even some star parties in the Pacific Northwest.

2023-12-14 learn more
Review: Svbony SV503 70ED refractor is inexpensive but not cheap

Review: Svbony SV503 70ED refractor is inexpensive but not cheap

A complete review of the Svbony SV503 70ED refractor telescope, from how I picked it, how it's price, how it's put together to the final goods: pictures I've taken with it.

2022-05-05 learn more
Camera Astrophotography with Tracking: Star Adventurer Mini (SAM)

Camera Astrophotography with Tracking: Star Adventurer Mini (SAM)

I recently purchased a SkyWatcher Star Adventurer Mini (SAM) to take longer exposures with my camera. I'll talk about what that all means and show you examples of what can be produced.

2021-11-28 learn more

Tagged videos

A visit with Orion

A visit with Orion

A visual tour of Orion and nearby deep sky objects Aldebaran, Mars, and the Pleiades. From 12mm wide field shots of the night sky to 1645mm ultra close-ups of nebulae, this journey ties some of my favorite images together and shows just how interconnected objects in space can be. Includes shots of M42: the Great Orion Nebula, M43: de Mairan's Nebula, NGC1977 The Running Man Nebula, NGC2024 The Flame Nebula, NGC2023, IC434 The Horsehead Nebula, M45: The Pleiades, Mars, Aldebaran, Betelgeuse and Rigel.

2022-01-12 learn more
Behind the fence

Behind the fence

I pointed my camera behind the fence. You'll never guess what I found! Seven Sisters, Orion, and even Jupiter stopped by.

2023-10-22 learn more
Celestial Spinner

Celestial Spinner

A timelapse look at the Pleiades, the double cluster in Perseus, Mars, and other winter sky objects. Taken with a Sony Alpha 6300 and a Samyang 12mm MF f/2 lens on a Sky Watcher Star Adventurer GTi.

2022-11-20 learn more
Seven Sisters and Luna on a Cloudy Night

Seven Sisters and Luna on a Cloudy Night

The bright moon can't quite overpower the Pleiades, but it's the clouds that end up with the last word in this timelapse.

2022-11-20 learn more
Testing Stellina's new 'Covalens' automated mosaic mode

Testing Stellina's new 'Covalens' automated mosaic mode

Stellina, an automated observation station that makes astrophotography easy for everyone, added a new mode for mosaics. I tested it on a wide Andromeda Galaxy and large Pleiades shot. Here's how it turned out!

2022-12-17 learn more
The Cayman Collection (behind the scenes)

The Cayman Collection (behind the scenes)

My adventures in Grand Cayman photographing Mars, the Pleiades, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, Orion, M31: the Andromeda Galaxy and M33: the Triangulum Galaxy using my Sony Alpha 6300 mirrorless camera with 12mm and 50mm Samyang lenses, the Svbony sv503 70ED 420mm doublet refractor, and using the Sky Watcher Star Adventurer GTi mount.

2022-10-25 learn more